El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship Overview
The El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship matriculated its inaugural fellow in a non-accredited cleft and craniofacial fellowship in July of 2018 at El Paso Children’s Hospital. Since this time, our fellows are working in hospital-based practices, private practices, and academic practices whose missions are to provide patient-centered, evidence based, and state of the art care to a spectrum of patients with cleft and craniofacial deformities.
The El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship has established admissions protocols and standards that encourage highly qualified applicants, including those whose demonstrate a strong interest in treating patients from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds.
The goal of the El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship is to attract, matriculate, and graduate a diverse group of fellows who understand the value of delivering patient-centered care and who display strong academic and surgical skills, and are passionate about serving the complex and unique needs of children born with cleft and craniofacial deformities.
Sponsoring Institution:
El Paso Children’s Hospital, El Paso, Texas
Affiliated Institutions:
University Medical Center, El Paso, TX
High Desert Oral & Facial Surgery, El Paso, TX
Areas of Focus:
- Cleft Lip and Palate
- Cleft Speech Surgery
- Neonatal Airway Evaluation and Treatment (Mandibular Distraction)
- Endoscopic and Open Craniosynostosis Correction
- Correction of Mandibular, Midface, and Cranial Deformities or Abnormalities
- Vascular Lesions
- Pediatric Pathology
Program Director
David Yates DMD, MD, FACS
Program Teaching Faculty
David Yates DMD, MD, FACS
Vernon Burke DMD, MD, FACS
Natasha Furchtgott DDS, MS
David Jimenez MD, FACS
Liz Holguin DDS, MS
Contact Information
David Yates
Fellowship Director
Jessica Flores
Craniofacial Coordinator
Accreditation Status
Currently the fellowship is in the process of applying for CODA accreditation.
1 fellow is enrolled per year
Duration of Fellowship
1 year
ACPA Team Affiliations
El Paso Children’s Hospital Craniofacial Team – ACPA approved
El Paso Cleft Lip and Palate Team – ACPA approved
Process for Application

Contact email:
Jessica Flores (Craniofacial Coordinator)
- Applicants must have completed a dental degree (DDS/DMD or equivalent) at an accredited dental school in the United States or Canada.
- Applicants must be qualified and able to independently obtain a Dental License in the State of Texas and must be licensed to practice in Texas at the time of matriculation of the fellowship.
- Applicants must be active residents in good standing or graduates of an accredited Residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, either a 4 year or 6 year (MD) track.
- Applicants must be board eligible or board certified for Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and must be board certified at the time of matriculation of the fellowship
The applicant must complete a telephone interview with the fellowship program director (Dr. David Yates )
- Depending on this interview, he/she may or may not be invited to come for a formal interview and submit supporting application documents. Supporting documents should be sent to Jessica Flores.
- This interview is set-up by contacting the Cleft/Craniofacial Coordinator (Jessica Flores)
- Email: Jessica.flores@elpasochildrens.org; Telephone: 915-760-0875
- 3 Letters of Evaluation/Recommendation from the applicant’s residency program or if not recently in a residency (within the last 5 years) should be from work associates and surgeons familiar with the applicants work.
- Updated Curriculum Vitae
- Personal Statement
- During the applicants visit evaluation is based on his/her ability to interact and relate to teaching and administrative staff.
- A rank list will be made and submitted to the AACMFS Match by the fellowship admissions committee which is comprised of, at minimum, 3 of the fellowship faculty.
- The American Academy of CranioMaxilloFacial Surgeons is the matching service utilized by the majority of Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowships. All applicants must apply individually to each program but must use this match service.
- All applicants are expected to sign up for the Match and must adhere to the following timeline.
- July 1st Penultimate year of training may begin interview process
- May 31st Interview cycle closes for Match Registration
- July 1st Last year of training – Match Day
- Dec 1st Last year of training – Items submitted for Texas Dental License
- March 1st Last year of training – All credentialing items submitted
- Signed Commitment Letter
- Required Criminal Background Check
- ACLS, PALS, BLS, Up to Date Immunizations.
- Active Texas Dental License
- Application for Credentialing at El Paso Hospitals
- Application for Dental in-office Anesthesia License
- Signed Contract
Academic Preparation & Admissions Proccess
Applicants must have completed a dental degree (DDS/DMD or equivalent) at an accredited dental school in the United States or Canada. They must be qualified and able to obtain a Dental License in the State of Texas. A Medical Degree is strongly encouraged but not mandatory for entrance into the fellowship.
They also must be active residents in good standing or graduates of an accredited Residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery either a 4 year or 6 year (MD) track. The applicant must be board eligible for Oral Maxillofacial Surgery.
The holistic admissions review process for all applicants includes the following: Academic Accomplishment, Personal Attributes, Diversity of Life Experiences and Contribution to Mission, Vision, and Values.
While evidence of high intellectual ability and a strong record of scholastic achievement are essential for success in the study and practice of cleft and craniofacial surgery, the El Paso Children’s Hospital Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship also recognizes the importance of the qualities of compassion, motivation, maturity, personal integrity, hand skills, and effective communication as necessary traits of a Cleft and Craniofacial Surgeon.
A screening process, described below, has been established to evaluate and rank the cognitive and non-cognitive characteristics outlined in this document.
Initial Screening of Applicants during Telephone Interview
The Fellowship Director and Craniofacial Nurse Coordinator conduct a contextual academic review prior to submitting applications for screening. All applicants that do not meet the standards of eligibility for the El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship are not offered a telephone interview, and those applicants are notified that their application will not progress for further consideration. After the telephone interview, incomplete applications remain on hold until all required materials have been submitted. Complete and eligible applications are then invited for a personal interview.
Interview Day
Candidates selected for a personal interview are invited to the El Paso Children’s Hospital for a full day of orientation and interviews. Snacks and lunch are provided, and information sessions are conducted on the following topics:
• The El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship selection process
• Curriculum overview
• Financial Information Including Salary and Benefits
• Campus tour
• Surgical Shadowing
• El Paso area cost of living
• Q&A session with current Fellow
• Other pertinent information
The personal interview can also address questions by the candidate that may have arisen during the application process and interview day. These interview sessions are conducted throughout the year from June 1st to May 31st. All applicants that are offered admission must have participated in the interview process.
Members of the interview team have access to the applicants’ personal statements, curriculum vitae, and life experiences in order to determine if specific characteristics of the admissions criteria are met. Faculty members conduct a group interview and the fellowship director will conduct a one on one interview. The interview team determines the applicant’s “fit” with the El Paso Cleft & Craniofacial Fellowship mission, and also strives to identify any distinctive characteristics that may demonstrate the dedication, resolve, and ability of the applicant to succeed as a Cleft and Craniofacial Fellow in an innovative and dense curriculum.
This is a standing committee of the El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship which is comprised of at least three faculty and the cleft and the craniofacial nurse coordinator has the primary responsibility for determining admissions criteria, processes for selection of candidates, interview format, ranking of candidates, and the process for accepting candidates into the program. The committee reviews all admissions criteria, policies, and procedures on an annual basis.
Members of the committee are chosen by the fellowship director on a yearly basis and include the fellowship faculty who will have the most involvement with the day to day fellowship activities. The chair of the committee is the Fellowship Director. Due to limited fellowship faculty multiple terms are encouraged.
The Committee on Fellowship Admissions (CFA) ensures that the overall admissions process is dynamic by conducting an annual review of all processes and procedures. This safeguards the committee’s ability to respond to any evolving trends in the profession, the applicant pool, and other peer institutions. The committee continually seeks input from all faculty who are participating in the recruitment and admissions process.
All scoring of applicants is compiled and averaged to determine an overall Admissions Criteria Average which is then used to develop a tier rank with those judged to be best qualified for the study and practice of cleft and craniofacial surgery. The Committee on Fellowship Admissions (CFA) conducts a regularly scheduled meeting in May to review candidates’ credentials and the evaluation from the interviews. The decisions of the committee are final. Based upon these decisions, a list of acceptable candidates is prepared and interviewees are ranked. The match list is submitted after the final interview is performed by May 31st. Should a vacancy become available the position will be offered outside of the match process.
Scoring Evaluation by Admissions Committee:
A maximum of five (5) points can be awarded in each category. Applicants can obtain a maximum of 20 points within the Interview process from the 3 participating committee members. The scoring is used as a guide in ranking the applicants.
1. Academic Accomplishment: Academic indicators are considered within the context of the applicant’s academic rigor, non-academic obligations, research, and other evidence of academic aptitude and stamina. 25%
2. Patient exposure or work experience in the field: Volunteer activities in cleft and craniofacial surgery, knowledge of the profession and exposure to a variety of patient interactions and clinical procedures. 25%
3. Personal Statement: This should be engaging and lead to insights regarding the applicants’ personal attributes and experiences, and fit at El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship. 25%
4. Diversity and Uniqueness: One point is given for each experience that falls into the following categories, with a maximum of 5 points possible. Points may only be awarded in one category for each experience. 25%
a. Mission Trips for Cleft and Craniofacial Surgery – Volunteerism for Cleft/Craniofacial Care
b. Leadership experiences
c. Distinctive life experiences
d. Above & Beyond
e. Experiences delivering culturally sensitive care
In the last week of May prior to the submission of the Rank List to AACMFS, the Fellowship Director convenes the members of the CFA. Discussions include a review of policies and procedures relating to the admissions process including, but not limited to:
- Overall goals of the admissions process and how it aligns with the mission, vision and values of the El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship
- Review of national applicant trends;
- Calibration of Interviewers;
- Discussion of Unconscious Bias.
The applicant is informed of their matching at the El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship by AACMFS. The fellow will receive an acceptance letter from the El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship and they are required to respond by signing the Letter of Intent within 2 months of matching.
Students who are accepted for admission receive a pre-matriculation packet of information during the spring prior to their enrollment. This packet contains the following information:
- Standards for curricular completion
- Required criminal background check
- Immunization requirements
- Training requirements
Applicants interested in the El Paso Children’s Hospital Fellowship program, as well as its admissions policies and procedures, are be able to access information from the following sources:
- The El Paso Children’s Hospital Cleft & Craniofacial Fellowship website
- The AACMFS website
Applicants are informed of the El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship’s mission, vision, and values statements when they view the website as well as during interview day.
Commitment to Diversity
The El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship’s commitment to diversity is predicated on its belief that the most skilled and effective practitioners are those who have been educated to practice in a rich multicultural environment. In addition to the educational benefits for students, diversity in the clinical setting also helps to improve access to oral health care for vulnerable populations.
The Borderplex Region (El Paso/Juarez) includes approximately 2.7 million people. It is incredibly diverse, with regards to population, nationalities, spoken languages, socioeconomic status, availability of treatment for patients, and is a referral area for much of Northern Mexico, West Texas, and Southern New Mexico. Our program is fortunate to be right in the center of this diversity which provides rich patient interactions and incredible surgical exposure. The incidence of Cleft and Craniofacial disorders is increased in the Latino and also Native American populations. We are centered in an area where we can provide compassionate and much-needed care.
The El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship believes that the educational benefits of a diverse environment support the understanding of different backgrounds, promotes cultural competence, encourages its graduates to practice in underserved communities, and enhances the diversity of available surgeons to care for vulnerable patients.
The CFA seeks to select a fellow that is academically-qualified and also includes a variety of backgrounds, interests, and life experiences that provide a stimulating and enriching learning environment. Of particular interest are applicants from traditionally-under-represented populations in the health professions, such as those from disadvantaged backgrounds, under-represented minorities in dentistry, and from diverse regions across the country. Overall, the El Paso Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship strives to establish an environment that welcomes and promotes respect for the differences of all: fellows, faculty, staff and the populations that are served.
Fellowship Information
- Program Description
- Fellowship Responsibilities
- Fellowship Schedule – 12 month Cleft and Craniofacial Fellowship
The average week (some weeks will vary):
- The fellow will operate 3 days, Cleft/Cranio Clinics 1.5 days, and run a sedation/3rd molar clinic 0.5 days per week.
- When in town the fellow will be on Cleft/Cranio Call at El Paso Children’s Hospital every day, however, at least two Fri/Sat/Sundays every month the fellow will not have any call.
Cultural Competency Opportunity:
- Opportunity to participate in a transnational cleft and craniofacial clinic in Juarez, Mexico monthly.
- The fellow will operate and run clinic once a month under the supervision of fellowship faculty.
- Voluntary participation – but strongly encouraged.
Trauma Call
The fellow will be the trauma attending 1 week out of every 3 as averaged out over the year.
Each fellow is to complete at least one research project during the one-year program. You must present your results as either a poster or abstract presentation at the annual ACPA meeting. Also, this project must be submitted for publication prior to completion of the program.
Either Dr. David Yates, Dr. Vernon Burke, Dr. Jimenez, Dr. Lizbeth Holguin, or Dr. Furchtgott will mentor this project. By July 31st of your first year of fellowship you are to have a research topic for discussion.
Vacation x 2 weeks (10 workdays) additionally a 1 week (5 work days) at the (ACPA Meeting) where the fellow is expected to present his/her results as either a poster or abstract presentation. Also, this project must be submitted for publication prior to completion of the program and attendance will be covered by fellowship.
- Attend all Cleft/Craniofacial cases. Conflicts in scheduling will be resolved by Dr. Yates.
- Presents Craniofacial/Clinic Cases at Surgical Conference Monthly
- Attend all clinics with positional plagiocephaly, craniosynostosis, orthognathic, and cleft lip and palate patients.
- Be present for preoperative and postoperative evaluations of cleft and craniofacial patients.
- Be involved in management and treatment for all surgical and medical complications.
- The fellow is responsible for bringing shadow charts, x-rays, CT scans, photographs, distractor devices, models, splints, and appropriate lab work to all cases.
- Pre-operative photographs are to be taken on every patient
- The fellow is responsible for rounding on, caring for, and writing notes on all post-operative cleft/craniofacial patients.
- During the post-operative course, the fellow is responsible for updating the appropriate attending(s) with the patient’s progress.
- Responsibility to maintain an accurate surgical log.
- It is the fellow’s responsibility to see all inpatient consults related to cleft, orthognathic, and craniofacial surgery and inform the appropriate attending. These patients will be monitored with daily progress notes while admitted to the hospital. This is also the appropriate time for patient/family education. When consult patients are discharged, the fellow is to refer the family to the team coordinator Nicole Gonzalez, for an appropriate follow-up appointment in clinic. Also, the fellow will bring Nohemi a copy of the face sheet and record at the top a contact phone number for the family.
- Attendance at the Annual American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association or American Academy of Craniomaxillofacial Surgerons conference is expected. The department will pay for this trip. It is expected that the fellow will be able to present research at this conference.
- Fellow responsibilities include teaching of residents as an attending in non-fellowship related surgical cases (i.e. adult trauma, dentoalveolar, infections)
On the average week (some weeks will vary):
- You will operate 3 days, Cleft/Cranio Clinics 1.5 days, and run a sedation/3rd molar clinic 0.5 days per week.
- When in town you will be on Cleft/Cranio Call at El Paso Children’s Hospital every day, however, at least two Fri/Sat/Sundays every month you will not have any call.
Trauma Call
You will be the trauma attending not more than 1 week out of every 3 as averaged out over the year.
Vacation x 2 weeks (10 work days)
ACPA or AACMFS Meeting
Expected Attendance to ACPA or AACMFS Meeting x 1 week (5 work days)
Pay $100,000 US Dollars
- Participation in the Health Insurance Program
- Malpractice Insurance Will Be Covered