El Paso, Texas – November 11, 2021 – El Paso Children’s Hospital (EPCH) is pleased to announce Tom Mazza as Human Resources Director. Mazza will oversee all aspects of the human resources department. With over 20 years of experience in human resources, Mazza joins the EPCH team with many years of accomplishments in leadership roles […]
El Paso Children's Hospital is excited to join in on the fun November 2oth for the city's annual Celebration of Lights Parade! This will kick off the first weekend of the Borderland's Winter Fest!
El Paso Children's Hospital is happy to be participating in the Annual ThanksgivingGlasheen, Valles & Inderman Sun Bowl Parade for 2021! This year marks the 85th edition of the annual parade, which will again run along Montana Avenue from Ochoa to Copia streets. It will be televised on KTSM News Channel 9. Join us bright […]