Madison – Testimonial

Madison – Cranial and Facial
Madison enjoys the magic of childhood—ballet, drawing, coloring, rainbows, and unicorns. She was born with a hemangioma, a bright red birthmark, and went to Children’s Hospital for surgery in July 2021. Dr. Yates removed part of the hemangioma and did a bit of reconstruction on Madison’s lip to complete its shape.
Madison’s mom expressed her gratitude, “Dr. Yates and Dr. Goldman are amazing! Nothing but respect and admiration for them and the staff. It can be scary to see your child go through surgery on her face.”
In 2022, the medical team started Madison on laser treatment every six to eight weeks. They wrapped up in July to give her some time to heal before the first day of school!
Madison seizes each day with a smile, excitement, and a sense of wonder, thanks to the pediatric specialists at El Paso Children’s Hospital.