Scarlett – Testimonial

Scarlett – Neurosurgery
Scarlett was busy doing Scarlett things–baking, arguing with her sister, and playing with her baby brother–when she started to experience headaches. After a month, she started to vomit. Two doctor’s visits later she had an MRI, and then everything changed.
Scarlett had a brain tumor.
She was admitted to El Paso Children’s Hospital and the very next day Scarlett was in surgery with a world-renowned neurosurgeon, Dr. David Jimenez. Eleven long hours later, the surgery was a success!
Ever thankful to God and Dr. Jimenez, Scarlett’s mom enjoyed the family-centered care Team El Paso Children’s Hospital gave her family. The “excellent team of ICU nurses…took care of her with so much love” and Dr. Jimenez “took care of my baby and treated her as if she were his.”
Today, Scarlett is back in the kitchen, back at it with her sister and brother — and back to working on her dream to become an Olympic gymnast!